Chapter 7 of 14

We liken this approach to something that is done in the stock market by many exceptionally talented traders. The most notable that comes to mind is that of Sir John Templeton. For decades, he had a very simple philosophy. That was to buy things when they were out of favor or when no one else thought they had any value. This mindset resulted in vast fortunes for his investors in The Templeton Funds, as well as for himself. He stuck to his philosophy and it paid off. If you stick to and use the same approach, you to can win big at the celebrity endorser game.

We constantly follow the rule of acquiring athletes who are out of favor or who are in their dormant state, in terms of professional sports seasons. It has worked for us for sixteen years and it will work for you. I can't tell you how many calls we have had over the years saying, "things are dead, I will do anything for just about any price." Wait until the season starts and everything changes. Timing is everything when looking for a celebrity endorser, just like location is everything when looking into real estate. Just recently, I had a call from a football player asking if I had anything needing endorsements. What do you think his price would be and how willing would he be to do a super job because he doesn't have one now$%:

Most of the celebrity endorsers we work with (ones you can work with, too) are extremely flexible when it comes to timing and advance bookings. The trick is to plan your celebrity endorsed event months in advance. This will give you the benefit of having something pre-planned but also securing the best deal. When the celebrity endorser is sitting around doing in the is prime time to strike. They aren't looking into the future, just the fact that they need bookings now, and in most cases, you and your company can secure great deals at a discount. We constantly do this to secure the best possible deal.

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