
Ever had an initial coaching session - or a discussion - with a hot prospect, yet they did not buy your coaching services from you$%: "Why$%:" you ask yourself on the way home - "Why did they not buy$%:"

Well, there are many reasons prospects give, but they all boil down to a small number of situations. Want to know what those are, and how to deal with them$%:

In order for a prospect to say yes to your coaching service, a number of things must be true.

The prospect must:

1. Be aware that your coaching service exists.

2. Be aware of the benefits of your coaching service.

3. Consider the benefits to be greater than their cost.

4. Be motivated to buy now.

Let's examine these situations one by one.

1. Prospect aware that your coaching service exists

Some coaches get frustrated at prospects seemingly still not knowing exactly what coaches do. Although it's useful for prospects to be aware of what coaching in general is, it's more relevant for them to be aware of YOUR coaching service.

This means that your chosen communication medium must be capable of reaching your prospects, and that the message must be understandable to them.

Then your message has to be received and understood by your prospect. Ask yourself if you are consistently getting your message out to your target market.

2. Prospect aware of the benefits of your coaching service

Coaches tell us they often find it difficult to explain the value and benefits of coaching sufficiently to cause a prospect to convert to a client. And when prospects are unclear about the offering, no sale will result.

But to become a client, your prospect must understand exactly what benefits they will see. Remember WIIFM - what's in it for the client$%: What will they get, specifically, from your coaching services$%:

3. Prospect considers the benefits to be greater than their cost

Sometimes the prospect may raise a cost objection, resulting in their declining the offered coaching service.

From our experience, with cost objections, a number of things may be true:

o Inappropriate benefits are being offered to your prospect.

o There is an unclear value proposition for the prospect. That is the key benefits of your coaching services are not valued by your target market. Or they cannot see the value of your service is greater than the cost to them.

o You have not been successful in explaining the benefits in your prospect's language.

o They may be confused about how your coaching offering works.

Here it's really down to you to explain the benefits to your prospect, and to ensure they are understood. Whether this is face to face, via a sales page or during a presentation, you must present the benefits clearly to your prospect.

4. Prospect is motivated to buy now

Why, when they're aware of your services and their benefits, would a prospect not be motivated to buy from you$%: It may be that the current pain they experience from their problems is not sufficiently great to warrant gaining the benefits of your services.

It may be that they feel they don't have sufficient time to dedicate to your services currently.

The only way you'll know is to ask.

So what can you do$%:

So you understand the situation, but what can you do about it$%:

1. Enter into a dialog with your current and potential clients and ask them what they most value from you. Ensure that during these conversations you establish what their biggest problems are.

2. When you know what's important to your market, make sure that your coaching services are oriented to resolving those problems. There should be a clear link between what your market wants and the services you provide.

3. Communicate this link in your potential clients' language, covering the resolution of their specific problems.

4. Use communications channels that are appropriate to your target market.

5. Maintain the dialogue and refine your services where appropriate.


In order to buy your coaching services, your prospect must be aware that your services exist, and must be aware of their benefits. They must consider the benefits to be greater than their cost, and be motivated to buy now.

This article has identified actions you can take today to get your prospects to buy. Which actions will you choose to take$%:

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